No time to read? Listen instead! For most teachers, there is a point in summer vacation when we begin to vacillate between wanting to hold on to what is left of our carefree summer days and wanting to get ready for the return of our students. If you are not at this point, stop reading […]
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Getting the results you want is possible.
Vetted Innovations from the Best Thinkers in Literacy
You are a dedicated educator who believes that the ultimate goal of literacy instruction is to help students to grow to be passionate, confident, and proficient lifelong readers, writers, and thinkers.
You work hard to make this happen; yet, your assessments don’t always show the progress and growth you know is possible. The pressure is mounting from parents, school boards, local, state, or federal agencies to do more, to do better.
I help relieve the accountability pressures you feel. How? By helping you evaluate and modify your literacy practices.
Joyful teaching and learning await.
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A is for Anxiety: Thoughts About Having a Less Stressful School Year
By Kim Yaris
No time to read? Listen instead! Here, more than halfway through my summer vacation, I find myself scrolling through some of the tabs I have left open on my computer. I pause at one titled, “Ideas for Next Year.” I glance at what I have jotted–entries that read like ten-second sound bites–and remember dreaming about […]